To achieve the vision, People Ignition

… helps individuals, teams and organisations thrive, with specialised services based on the latest thinking in workplace psychology, leadership and capability development...

…and by standing on the shoulders of giants, I use the best models, platforms and tools offered by companies such as Human Synergistic, Gallup, Culture Amp and McKinsey & Company to ensure that my clients can trust the work I deliver…

…what differentiates People Ignition, is the ability to go beyond what the big firms provide by working more closely with you to understand your needs, data and context and to plan simple, cut through, actions that will have lasting impact.

Service areas


Leadership and executive coaching using the LSI

Drawing on the well established Life Styles Inventory (LSI) by Human Synergistics, People Ignition coaches people on how their behavioural styles are impacting both their satisfaction and effectiveness at work. The LSI can be done as a self assessment (LSI1) or with the addition of a 360 assessment (LSI2).

This can be done with each people leader individually or with cohorts of leaders, based on scope. While often used just for senior leaders, the tool equally applies to everyone and can be combined with the GSI to build team effectiveness.

Human Synergistics provides high end collateral and learning material to you to ensure participants can clearly understand their personal diagnostic and how to progressively modify their behaviours and habits to achieve greater work effectiveness and satisfaction.

Igniting passion

As someone that has experienced both the highs and lows of engagement and effectives at work personally, I work with individuals to help them identify what they want out of their work and how they can find their fire.

I help people find their Ikigai - when one balances the way they contribute to others by:

  • Doing activities they enjoy and that allows them to enter a state of flow

  • Using skills they are proficient in

  • Providing a good or services that others value and willing to pay for

  • Contributing in a way that aligns with the persons values, such as benefiting the world

I also draw on the field of Positive Psychology, to identify ways that an individual’s engagement at work can be improved through better interpersonal relationships and opportunities for joy and the management of stressors.

Finally I appreciate the role neurodiversity can impact a person’s perceived fit in a job, career or workplace and help individuals build strategies to deal with their challenges and harness their superpowers.

Person focused strategy and problem solving

For more specific problems I can provide one-on-one strategy sessions to help you identify a pathway through HR, people leadership and interpersonal challenges. I can be the objective, innovative and trusted advisor you can call on when needed.


Building a high performing team using the GSI

As one of the only well researched ways of measuring how people in teams interact, the Group Styles Inventory (GSI) by Human Synergistics has used by countless teams globally to improve team performance and the satisfaction of team members.

People Ignition can work with your teams using this tool to help them explore blockers, opportunities and help them imbed behaviours that are proven to improve relationships, passion for work and team effectiveness.

Tried and tested team effectiveness…

Learning facilitation

I can help you identify capability gaps and deliver engaging and lasting learning sessions to your teams or entire organisation in person or virtually.

My focus when facilitating learning sessions is to create meaningful experiences where the knowledge will stick. I do this by using cutting edge learning techniques and the latest knowledge regarding the chosen topic along with habit building apps that help ensure accountability and embed learning and behaviour change beyond the facilitated sessions.

But I also don’t forget the fun - humans, like all animals learn through plan…

Learning that sticks…

Team Forge - Unique and memorable experiences to your teams

Team building exercises can be a fun way of rewarding your people for their contributions. When coupled with the science of team dynamics and expert development activities they can be used to really cement behaviour change and capability building.

I have a unique network of creative partners, artists and facilitators that can provide experiences and workshops in everything from sword fighting, expressive dance, meditation, yoga, parkour, circus arts, outdoor adventures, indigenous culture and more. Talk to me to explore all of the possibilities.

Experiences that your teams will never forget!


Bespoke Organisational Development Solutions

With extensive organisational development experience I can help you identify needs, design systems and process, acquire IT platforms and apps and help you implement them and imbed them into your business.

Areas of expertise include but are not limited to:

  • Enterprise wide people strategy and prioritisation

  • Performance management systems

  • Internal talent identification and retention

  • Succession and workforce planning

  • Capability frameworks and gap analysis

  • Reward and recognition

Survey data interpretation, deep dive facilitation and action planning

With extensive experience running engagement, wellbeing and organisational health surveys, I can help you chose a high quality organisation wide survey and/or help you make sense of the reports you have been provided with.

Myfocus is to translate jargon and high level concepts into practical everyday behaviours and things people do so that real tangible action can be taken.

While I believe that the established and validated surveys with extensive benchmarks provide the best way to survey your people, I can design and implement bespoke survey’s related to specific issues as needed and have the survey design experience and the platforms to do this with.

To really understand your data I also believe that you have to dig down and ask people how they interpreted survey questions and explore what practical things are influencing their responses. To do this I conduct engaging facilitation sessions with your people so their voices can be fully understood.