Driving business performance by boosting work satisfaction and effectiveness in teams and individuals
How satisfied your people are and how well they work together can significantly impact your bottom line…
Levelling up Teams with Experiences that Stick
Delivering Value to business through…
High-end workplace behaviour diagnostics focused on behaviours that impact business performance
Compelling debriefs to build motivation for action
Workshop facilitation that galvanises team dynamics to create sustainable performance
Ongoing tracking to build habits and measure impact
A unique, practical and evidence based approach…
Draws on a PhD in group dynamics in extreme environments and 15 years' experience applying this research to workplaces
Human Synergistics tools (cost effective, research based, action focused, benchmarked)
Focus on behaviours that change, not static strengths and personality
Focus on lasting impact through ongoing coaching/facilitation and a habit tracking app to measure success
How we achieve results together…
Mapping team dynamics with the best diagnostics, expert facilitation, capability building, nudging behaviours and tracking the impact
Understanding your context and needs by…
Getting curious about your context and how developing your people and teams can add value to business
Reviewing existing staff survey data to identify underperforming teams
Conducting interviews and a review of business operating model to identify “critical teams”
Mapping effectiveness and satisfaction…
Utilising the Life Styles Inventory (LSI) 360 tool by Human Synergistics to understand individual effectiveness and needs
Utilising the Group Styles Inventory (GSI) by Human Synergistics to map the performance and dynamics of teams
Debriefing, aligning and committing…
Coaching individuals on LSI results to build satisfaction and effectiveness
Facilitating team workshops using GSI results to understand current values, behaviours, beliefs and operating styles then commit to specific behaviours and skills to be embedded
Nudging, sustaining changing and measuring impact…
Participants focus on one behaviour at a time to embed skills and behaviours
Accountability is maintained using habit tracking
Ongoing support provided to ensure behaviours stick
Impact measured and reported continuously to ensure value to your business